
Mar 06, 2007 09:33

just a quick note.

i am swamped at work. *is sad* "the man" has me down, dudes! and he's stomping on my head.   apparently, this is what happens when i ignore my job for twenty days to read my flist and write fic. um, my bad.

i need to catch up on a bunch of worky crap *resents* so i can't reply to comments until later. sorry! damn me and my stupid need for money!

three things first:

1)  WELCUM BAC REFUR OMG I MIST U SO BAD FUR REALZ!!!!1111  *HUGS HUGS*  whew. okay. really. i missed you. in case you didn't know.

2) hi indysaur! i love you and welcome to my boring life.

3) hugs to everyone. i love my flist and l am so addicted to coming here constantly and hitting refresh every two second to see what's going on hanging out on lj.  i've made a lot of new friends recently and i really appreciate all the wonderful comments and nice words. and double hugs to everyone who's read "when heroes go down". and triple hugs to the people who liked it! yayz! (estei? i'm looking at you. and you too indysaur. and all you other people with the sparkle-squishy words of love.)

egads, i must go.

*takes running leap into files on desk*

rl blather

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