getting yelled at the minute you walk in the door to work? does not make for a good day.
so i go trick or treating.
My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulbuffyaddict13 goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as decaying zombie.
cycatryx gives you 8 light blue licorice-flavoured jawbreakers.
dmjones gives you 16 pink licorice-flavoured jawbreakers.
estei tricks you! You lose 3 pieces of candy!
faunaana gives you 11 red-orange lime-flavoured jawbreakers.
girlfan1979 gives you 19 light yellow apple-flavoured gummy worms.
jujuberry136 tricks you! You lose 42 pieces of candy!
luckinfovely gives you 18 dark blue evil-flavoured jawbreakers.
meret gives you 3 red-orange cola-flavoured gumdrops.
nouveau_monday tricks you! You lose 3 pieces of candy!
rain_1975 gives you 15 dark blue vanilla-flavoured gummy bats.buffyaddict13 ends up with 42 pieces of candy.Another fun meme brought to you by
estei, you bitch!!
jujuberry, i would have shared!!!
luckin, evil-flavored jawbreakers are my favorite. tastes like anais, cinnamon and dirt. YUM.