Week Twenty: June 13 - June 19

Jun 13, 2008 19:21

We're not alone!! (not that we ever were, but what's a flair for the dramatic good for if you don't use it once and awhile?)

Though it's not as ominous as that sounds - chrisleeoctaves and scribesds have started up another community for those who wish to revisit Buffy and Angel. Where we've been focusing on five/six episodes a week, I think they're going to focus on one per week, beginning with Welcome to the Hellmouth on July 6, but they'll be posting story prompts on June 18.

The site is fantas_magoria so run over and check it out -- it looks like it will be a lot of fun!

Week Twenty - Buffy Episodes

Episode 5.04: Out of My Mind

Joyce faints while at home, and while the gang is at the hospital, Dawn discovers that Riley's heartbeat is off the charts, but Riley ignores it. When Buffy enlists the Initiative's help, Riley gets angry and runs, and he eventually admits to Buffy that he's afraid they'll make him a normal guy, causing her to lose interest in him. She manages to get him to the Initiative doctor, only to find that Spike has forced the doctor to remove his chip...

Episode 5.05: No Place Like Home

A mysterious woman arrives in town looking for "The Key", and Buffy investigates a possible supernatural cause behind her mother's illness. She performs a ritual to see spells, and discovers something is not quite right about Dawn. Meanwhile, the gang helps Giles see through the re-opening of the magic shop, and Giles hires Anya to work for him.

Episode 5.06: Family

Buffy tells Giles the truth about Dawn and they decide to keep the secret about her origin. Buffy moves back home to stay together with her sick mother and Dawn. On the Eve of Tara's birthday, her big brother Donny, her father and her cousin visit her to bring her back home, since she would have a demon inside that would unleash in her twentieth anniversary. Meanwhile, The Beast forces Lei-Ach demons to chase and kill Buffy. Tara casts a spell to her friends to make demons invisible bringing trouble to her friends.

Episode 5.07: Fool for Love

While patrolling the cemetery, the self-confident Buffy fights against a vampire, is stabbed with her stake and saved by Riley. She tells the incident to Giles and decides to research how the previous Slayers were killed. She does not find any information in the watcher's journals and decides to seek the information from Spike. He tells that in 1880, in London, he was a bad poet and a shy good man in a non-corresponded love with Cecily. When he meets Drusilla, she bites and converts him in the evil vampire. Later, in the same year in Yorkshire, he meets Angel and Darla and is challenged to defeat a slayer. In 1900, in China, he is well-succeeded and kills his first slayer. In 1977, in the subway of New York City, he kills his second slayer. He advises Buffy that she must never be reckless and keep her death wish to survive.

Episode 5.08: Shadow

Joyce goes to the hospital for a CAT scan, the doctor finds a shadow and she is immediately submitted to a surgery. The doctor discloses that she has a low grade glioma (i.e. a brain tumor). Buffy wants to use magic to heal her mother, but Giles, Willow and Tara advise her that it would be of high risky for humans. Meanwhile, Glory goes to the Magic Box, and the naive Giles sells two powerful components for an ancient Sobekite spell. Anya discloses it later through the receipts, while Glory conjures a snake demon to track the Key. When the snake demon finds Dawn in the Magic Box, Buffy and Giles follow the demon trying to kill it before getting to Glory.

I have to admit that the entire Dawn/key story arc was not one of my favorites, but I also have to admit that some of the finest episodes came out of this season, and these episodes are a prelude to the most heartbreaking in my opinion. Watching them now, knowing what's to come is especially poignant.

Week Twenty: Buffy and Angel Episodes

Buffy - Episode 5.04: Out of My Mind

Joyce faints while at home, and while the gang is at the hospital, Dawn discovers that Riley's heartbeat is off the charts, but Riley ignores it. When Buffy enlists the Initiative's help, Riley gets angry and runs, and he eventually admits to Buffy that he's afraid they'll make him a normal guy, causing her to lose interest in him. She manages to get him to the Initiative doctor, only to find that Spike has forced the doctor to remove his chip...

Angel - Episode 1.16: The Ring

When an investigation goes wrong, Angel finds himself kidnapped by a demon fight club. He's trapped there, forced to fight other demons as part of a gladiator show. Cordy and Wes search for him, desperate to rescue Angel before it's too late. Meanwhile, Angel meets another Wolfram and Hart lawyer, Lila Morgan. She promises to get Angel out of the club if he agrees to come over to Wolfram and Hart's side.

Buffy - Episode 5.05: No Place Like Home

A mysterious woman arrives in town looking for "The Key", and Buffy investigates a possible supernatural cause behind her mother's illness. She performs a ritual to see spells, and discovers something is not quite right about Dawn. Meanwhile, the gang helps Giles see through the re-opening of the magic shop, and Giles hires Anya to work for him.

Angel - Episode 1.17: Eternity

When Rebecca, a Hollywood star, is stalked by an obsessed fan, Angel steps in to protect her. Cordy is thrilled to meet a famous actress and even Angel likes Rebecca. She accepts that he's a vampire and really seems interested in getting to know him better. But, it soon becomes clear that the case is more complicated than it seems and Rebecca has a dangerous plan of her own.

Buffy - Episode 5.06: Family

Buffy tells Giles the truth about Dawn and they decide to keep the secret about her origin. Buffy moves back home to stay together with her sick mother and Dawn. On the Eve of Tara's birthday, her big brother Donny, her father and her cousin visit her to bring her back home, since she would have a demon inside that would unleash in her twentieth anniversary. Meanwhile, The Beast forces Lei-Ach demons to chase and kill Buffy. Tara casts a spell to her friends to make demons invisible bringing trouble to her friends.

Angel - Episode 1.18: Five by Five

This episode brings Faith to LA. She's still struggling with her darkness and fleeing her life in Sunnydale. After Angel ruins another Wolfram and Hart case, they set out to get rid of him once and for all. And who better to do the job than Faith, a rouge Vampire Slayer? They hire her to kill Angel, unaware that Angel identifies with Faith's pain. Meanwhile, Faith is driven by self-hatred and is careening out of control as she goes after Angel and his friends.

Lilah Morgan, Faith and Angelus. Oh yeah - these episodes work for me in a huge way.

Episode information from IMdB.

week twenty: june 13 - june 19

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