Title: Show You the World
Characters: Buffy, Dawn
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 1619
Summary: It turns out feeling better is a bit more complicated than looking at your sister one morning and realising you want to show her the world. It also turns out that telling your sister you want to show her the world leads, in Dawn’s mind at least, to Sister Bonding
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I have never ever gotten a gift fic before, and I tell you, that email was pretty exciting. :)
I adore this. It's so interesting to see what other people come up with from a set of prompts. And it's far from an angsty ending. Thank you!
I absolutely love how it's so *real*. It doesn't matter how many epiphanies you have, it isn't easy to just slide into a new way of thinking and acting. It turns out feeling better is a bit more complicated than looking at your sister one morning and realising you want to show her the world. Exactly, Buffy. But this: Buffy doesn’t want to make the mistake of thinking this is another one of those Moments That Change Everything, because she’s finding that real life rarely makes quite that much sense. Instead, she just decides this is a moment that feels good, and despite the fact that she still has days where she feels cold and numb and distant, she has to admit she’s having more of the good moments lately, and a lot of them have to do with Dawn. is an epiphany you can work with. It's a ( ... )
Hey look at you, being all lengthy and eloquent with the review! :D thank y0u for saying everything I'd want to say for me!
(with apologies to Alice for getting over-excited, don't mind me.)
I actually worry that my reviews are boring, overly-verbose and disorganized, so thank you for your feedback!
Plus, it's a fic that totally deserves a proper review.
YES. So much "there there" in this one. I love it when authors really mix it up like that, and as you know I love it when writing takes me by surprise and I can't predict what's coming next (good surprises that is. I've been blindsided by some bad ones.)
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