Title: Salvage
Author: Edel
Email: no1buffy_angelfan@hotmail.com
Summary: What would happen if Buffy came to LA after Angelus’ phone call to the Summers’ house in the season 4 Angel episode Salvage?
Distribution: my group: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/blindedbypassion. If you want it on your site, just ask!
Rating: PG13-R
Spoilers: Angel episodes “Salvage”
Disclaimer: There not mine, never will be.
Feedback: Please! It’s like chocolate…
Dedication: To Marchelle, for being a great beta and for always sending brill feedback!
// You don’t remember me
But I remember you
I lie awake and try so hard
Not to think of you
But who can decide what they dream?
And dream I do… //
“Taking over Me” by Evanescence
She found herself walking. Where to, she did not know. Suddenly, she found herself in what appeared to be a dimly lit warehouse. She felt a tingling sensation in her stomach, and knew immediately. It was him. She swung around, but saw nothing. She sighed. She turned around again, and shrieked.
“Angel,” she said, relief flooding her, as she placed a hand over her heart, “You startled me.” He bent down so that his face was inches away from hers and whispered with a smirk,
“Wrong person, lover.” She stood still, shocked for a moment. As he began to circle her, she caught a glimpse of a large, stone demon in the distance. She jumped slightly as he stood right behind her. “The Beast,” he whispered softly in her ear. She continued to stare ahead as he spoke again. “Pretty much the only thing that could do damage to that thick, stony hide is himself, or maybe, I don’t know, a piece of himself.” She slowly turned to face him, confusion shining in her emerald green eyes.
“What do this mean?” she asked, as she stared into his chocolate brown eyes. Eyes that now held no soul.
“I think you know what this means, don’t you?” he replied cryptically, as he tenderly touched her cheek. She felt a tug at her heart.
“Angelus?” She opened her eyes and found herself on her bed, whispering his name. She looked down. She still wore the blood-stained clothes she was wearing last night while out slaying. She blinked as the sun shone brightly through her open curtains. She distantly heard Dawn on the phone. The phone, she thought, that’s what woke me up. She quickly changed and went downstairs, unaware that her day was about to dramatically change.