Nov 22, 2004 17:36
The earliest story that comes to mind, is my sixteenth birthday.
I'm sure you've heard some of this but probably not all. There
was a prophecy that the Slayer would meet the Master then, Nest,
and would die on that day.
When I heard about it, I freaked.
Okay, I know Slayers don't get to retire or anything. But that's
different from hearing "okay, today your ticket gets punched for
certain." No maybes. No hope.
I said no. I wouldn't do it. I quit.
Walked away from Giles and Angel, saying let someone else fight,
I was done.
Of course, this being Sunnydale, things didn't work out that simply...
(stops, rubbing at her eyes.)
Think I'm going to get a refill on that tea--No, don't get up. I'll go.
Right back.