Mar 31, 2005 09:54
I went to the infamous cycling class yesterday and that was of course, as most things in my life are, dramatic! It was like the best workout of my life, I have never sweated so much. However in the middle of my "climb" as they call it I got a bloddy nose. No I am not on crack, I think it is the weather. Anyway, as i was saying, I was cycling got this nose thing going on, except i didn't realize I had this nose issue and it was dark in the cycling room so i couldn't see. Good thing I had a towel.....and a shirt. Anyway i was totally impressed by the amount of fun and work it was, but I was a little tramatized if you know what i mean.
I got a C on my organic test, which was a 50%. Think about it, the curve is so bad that I failed miserably and still got a C. I think this teacher needs to reevaluate. He could learn a thing or two from the education cohorts (ha)!
Let's see tonight is the big reunion, actually i have two reunions. OLD ROOMMATES ROCK!!! I am sooo excited I can't wait to get through this day! First I have to take a test though.
I should really count all the test I have taken in the last week and a half. 5 I think? That is a heck of a lot!
I think i wanna go out tonight!! Anyone interested, or got something going on that they wouldn't mind me being a part of. I will be sober if that changes your mind for the better or the worse!