Nov 02, 2008 18:17
this weekend was very interesting to say nonetheless.
friday consisted of about 12-30 people at one party, because everyone decided to have a halloween party. although it was fun, i just can't bring myself to like keg beer! i've tried and tried to like it, it just doesn't do it for me whatsoever.
so im glad that that saturday, after skipping the parade and game (i just had soo much school spirit this weekend) we ended up at another party last night, that at least had really good punch! but, i've been feeling it's terrible side effects all day.
i've decided that i don't think think i want to drink on my birthday next weekend, since i have exams on monday.
and of course, just like i predicted, the bitch killed everyone with the bacterio exam and i got a C, AGAIN.
i wonder if any of us can kill that monster and pull off at least a B on an exam? it seems almost utterly impossible at this point.
at least i have been able to master lab.
also we decided to go to state marching on tuesday, so i wonder who all will end up being there. i haven't been to a marching event since i graduated.
should be interesting.