Big kid table.

Apr 27, 2008 00:22

Hello Livejournal. My name's Stef! We used to know each other really well, but we haven't seen each other in ages! Sorry about the last few months or so, I got unfortunately caught up in real life, and I don't like it one bit.

1. I started my internship 2 weeks ago. Basically, I work from 9am to 8pm everyday for roughly less than $2 an hour, and I don't even have a proper desk to sit at. (Yeah, being an intern is totally AWESOME!!`1!) I am running errands half the time. Working in a television studio is definitely not as cool as Liz Lemon makes it out to be. It has become a little bit more tolerable, but I'm still very disappointed in the lack of walk/talks and random discussions of what happened on Lost. It's absolutely exhausting though, and by the time I reach home after an hour long bus ride, I can't think or eat or understand the English language. I think it's time I got addicted to something called CAFFEINE.

2. With every new bag I have, I go through a Great Spilling Accident, usually involving uncapped water bottles, huge ink blots from pens and other small disasters. This time, it was bad. Very very bad. My iPod was completely soaked, to the point I could see water in the LCD screen. I'm not sure if I can get it replaced under the warranty scheme, which sucks, cause I got it less than a year ago. What's even worse though, is that I lost a TON of music: entire discographies of artistes that I love dearly. Life without music hurts my parts.

3. It is very hard to have an actual life when you're completely consumed by work. I don't even have time to think about stuff anymore, and I anxiously await next year when I can go on an extended holiday with my friends. Somewhere with a beach, I think, as far away from here as possible. Maybe space? Have you guys heard good things about it?

4. AT LEAST TELEVISION IS BACK. Thank you life and thank you love! 30 Rock and HIMYM are keeping me sane. OH LIZ LEMON WITH YOUR CORPORATE HAIR AND PUTTING SPLENDA IN YOUR WHISKEY (which is something I would totally do too). Robin and Barney MAKING OUT WHAT.

5. Here is some good music:
The Ting Tings - That's Not My Name
M83 - Graveyard Girl
Miss Li - Why Don't You Love Me

Have a good weekend, you guys!
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