Nov 22, 2005 22:41
yeah I am pumped about xmas but not so much thnksgiving b/c i am not really spending it with any of my family...i LOVE my dads side more than anyone (prob b/c i am not ACTUALLY related to half of them) but i mean...even though my moms side isn't as still would be nice to see them....but NOOO.
Tomorrow is makin me anxious.I am suppose to meet with Alisha,Alyssa,and Kevin (did i miss someone?) at Lorie's house tomorrow but i don't know where she lives and I am AWFUl with directions.heh.
but mostly...I AM TAKING MY DRIVER LISCENSE TEST TOMORROW!!!AHHH! I never get nervous..but i was so ashamed when i failed my permit test 3 times and I DO NOT want to repeat that its SOO akward telling your family you didnt pass...but i mean really..i have been driving for how long now?...yeah a long time...and my dad is still REAL protective and thinks he still has to remind me that "red light" means "stop" and I am sick of being the only senior who doesn't have their liscense and I am sick of pepole asking me to go places and being like "err..yeah..don't drive..*cough* " so i really wanna get it over with.even if my parents don't let me go far by myself and even if i don't get much freedom i really just wanna have it to have it ya dig?
soo I WAS IN THE NEWSPAPER TODAY!...yeah..b/c the columbine girl who got shot 1st (Rachel Scott) her sister came and spoke to us and 10 kids got scelected to eat subway with her and I was one of them..and 2 of us got in the of them me and the other Kelsey Flannagan.very interesting story.eerie even.look into it if you don't know anything about is CRAZY.
oh so on thanksgiving i am gunna play tennis all day hopefully if i can find someone to play with..and i have except he is quite prone to geting lazy in games..or getting mad...and worst of all remeber that he gets mad and lazy and not playing with me in the 1st place.sometimes i wish i had a friend that isn't potato oriented...and a little know.
well thats all for now.
I have been trying to think of what i can get pepole for xmas!!!
I'm so excited!..ok..I'm done...PRAY FOR ALL THE ANXIOUS PEPOLE WHO ARE TRYING TO PASS SOME TEST...NO MATTER WHAT KIND IT IS!..i can't wait to get it over with..*sigh*