Mar 29, 2007 18:15
Okay, so I am definately a pack rat to the max! While cleaning my room for the first time since moving back to the MI, I discovered that my PS2 is not the only video game system I have...I still have my Nintendo 64...BUT it gets worse! I also still have my Super Nintendo!!! I have been playing Donkey Kong Country 2 like none other. How sad is that? I also still have the 1995 World Almanac...I graduated elementary school that year...why do I have this? I have the 2000 Guiness Book of World Records. I have my Hillary Rodham Clinton Halloween mask from 6th grade. I have my writing folder with writing samples from 1-12 1st grade, I spelled "Police" as "poles". I also have a billion hats...they all need to be washed...but they exist. My Pog collection is sitting in the same drawer as my keychain collection...and I had the Pog yes, I have pogs of myself, my friends, and original artwork. I have the Pog album...I have my Pog Slammers still. Okay, I definately was a geek in middle school...thankfully I met people who straightened me out and taught me to be myself along the way.I still have WWE Wrestling action fact, I have 3 different Stephanie McMahon ones. Who knew they made 3 different Stephanie McMahon dolls...but I have them! I also have my Britney Spears dolls. I have countless elementary/middle school level books that I refuse to part ways with. I have clothes from the fat years that are 5 sizes too big for my waist...I am donating those to fat homeless people...if they exist. I have a huge old bathing suit...I am donating that to Shamu so he won't have to be so nakie. Anways, point being...I have too much stuff...and I always will. Loves it!