Oct 06, 2006 01:55
Okay, so Michigan really does suck. LOL! We're so behind the rest of the world. In my online quest to find a cool karaoke place, not the normal, American karaoke, but karaoke boxes, like they have in Asia, I found crap! I mean, even in Killeen, Texas, there were at least 3 Korean karaoke places. I found 1 place like that in all of Michigan online...and they don't even have a liquor license...no, they serve juice. lol. This is so weird...cuz Austin had a bunch of them too. We're so freakin' caucasian around here. I did find a cool one in Chicago, so I will have to take a trip to see it. Oh Michigan, why are you so American? Oh well, I guess culture has never really been our strong point. We used to have a Korean karaoke bar in Warren, but it closed not long after it opened. I feel so limited here...I have to go again...lol.