Oct 29, 2007 20:21
I'm quite certain that NBC didn't mean well when they ousted Mike Gravel from tomorrow's debate, with their new and arbitrary requirements for participants. I think it's pretty clear they want a lobbyist-funded, "mainstream" candidate to win.
However, they might have helped in two ways. First, it's fueled the fire of Gravel and his strongest supporters and they will try even harder to make a difference and get support for Gravel's policies. Second, it may have made a good number of people who were sitting on the fence, trying to decide whether their time and effort would be best spent supporting Gravel or Kucinich, decide to throw their weight behind Kucinich. I am one such person.
I'm excited for the Kucinich campaign. I think Kucinich has a powerful message -- Strength Through Peace. I think he's right on almost all of the issues. Two that I agree strongly with are creating a Department Of Peace and trying to put forth programs to prevent disease instead of just treat it.
Here's to hoping that Kucinich becomes the clear leader of the democratic candidates who really try to move forward the will of the American people and that his campaign reaches new heights!