I need to work on time-management. I went to Psych of Personality 10 mins late because it was a test day and I never take anywhere near the full time.
I should have seen this coming, considering how much my professor Dr. Hall dislikes people walking into class late. She made us wait outside until people sitting in the front row finished their tests before we could do ours.
I can’t think of any legitimate reason for this, other than it’s an anti-cheating device. Maybe Dr. Hall thinks we’ll see other people’s answers as we’re walking down the aisles, but there isn’t enough time to look at the question number and what answer is bubbled in.
Anyway, I waited 30 mins to take a 51-question test that took only half that time.
I think I made an A, albeit a low one. During the test was the first time when I found out the definition of “causal force” and what the “phenomenological approach to personality” was. I want to borrow the exam questions from her so that I can augment my notes with it. Turns out that not buying or reading the book may have its disadvantages.