Nov 07, 2006 19:02
So, I only have a minute, but wanted to write a quick blog...I have a new job!!! :) YAY!!! My last day at JCPenney will be next Tuesday, the 14th - and on Wednesday, the 15th - I start work at KinderCare as a 3 year old preschool teacher! I'm looking forward to the change, it's definitely a move in the right direction, even if it doesn't end up as my life career. I know that this job will make me SOOOOO much happier than I have been at JCPenney. And my schedule will be a LOT better now! yay!!!! :)
Something a little weird...Brandon just started a new job yesterday at Symantec. And in talking with his new boss, he found out that his boss's wife was just hired at the same KinderCare center as me, as the new director! So Brandon's boss's wife will be my boss! What do you suppose the odds of that are?!?!?!? :)