Dec 02, 2004 04:04
Is this all just a guessing game? The first one to figure it out gets to meet you? Why else do we write? Why else do we share dreams, ideas, thoughts, photographs, our art, our reasoning, our way of thinking, our ideals, our morals, our Faith or lack of it? Why? What's the purpose? Why am I writing this down, sharing with you? Why learn, read what others before have thought, spoken, written, shared? Why? It's a puzzle. It's some sort of puzzle right? Life is God's personal puzzle that God is solving. God has the pieces, but it's not together yet. Is that the reason for us? A puzzle putting it's self together? Helping to become finalized? Is everything just a metaphor for what is next? I read a book, I watched a movie, I saw a play, I heard a song, I had a dream, I had a thought, I saw an answer, briefly I might add. It was there, part of it. It was there and I just had to hold on to it, build on it, add to it and finish it, or pass it along so another can finish what every one has started. Everyone's a part. But life happens and it slipped away. I became angry with myself. I became very angry. There is a reason, everyone knows it, everyone asks what it is. Everyone see a part of it in there own small way. That's why we share right? That's why. Are we hoping to stumble on it? The mathematician is wasting his time speaking of Math to another of his own. The Christian is wasting his time preaching to fellow Christians. As are all people of every faith who preach to their own. The Jew, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, Heathen, Ignorers, Atheist. All of them. Not one person has the answer, not one. Don't believe any that say they do. They are only frightened and claiming to know the answer is just simply a selfish reassurance. Sometimes it's evil, sometimes it's blissful ignorance. Full of good intentions, a fool with good intentions. I don't have any answers, I don;t pretend to. All I come up with is more questions. The same questions. The only questions we ask ourselves. I am an Artist and Musician, I try to be. Why? Why do I share my art with the world? Why play music? Why try to find Love? To procreate? To bring another into this world? Perhaps they will piece it all together? Did Christ do that? Is no one listening? The world did Change. No person can deny that. Whether you believe or not. The world changed. Time Changed. Do I believe? I've never read the Bible. I'm not sure anyone has. Just a bunch of people stating their beliefs either for or against something they do not understand. I won't listen to either. If they've never read, and don't understand, how can they try to get me to either believe or try and convince me that it's all lies? How? The written word, that's how the sharing of thoughts and faith and the ideas began. Spoken as well, but to share with the masses, it had to be written first. Why wouldn't the answers be simple and in a book? Maybe not the answer. But the start of one. It's science or religion. Why not Science and Religion. Art and music and poetry and philosophy and reason and purpose. Everyone is searching for their own reason for living, everyone wants to know their purpose. I still don't know yet of my own. Some never find it it seems. Will I be one of those? Will one of my paintings, something I write, a song I play, a child I have be a key, not the answer but a key to a door to all the answers? Or a domino effect to a thousand years down the line to a person I've never imagined to exist in a world I can't comprehend only to finally be solved. I have these ideas and thoughts due to all of life that I have come to know, all the ideas and thoughts that came before, like everyone else. Every book I've read, every movie I've watched, every person I've listened to, every idea I stole, every song I've heard, every painting I've seen. Nothing is original. We're getting closer, aren't we? nothing is original, only our take on things before, that's where the (origin)ality lays. This is the smallest spec of an idea. Please add to it.