Reason I hate the new job #1: Even on my goddamn days off, I'm now conditioned to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn. SIGH. It's a Saturday, for fuck's sake... I should be able to sleep until noon, just on principle.
I'm just sayin'.
Anyway, aside from being cranky about the fact that I was awake at 6:30am on a Saturday, all is well here in KeriLand. Ollie's still asleep (lucky bastard.), the boys are grinding cereal into the living room carpet and playing video games, and it is actually a beautiful morning outside. Yes, that's right, it's NOT snowing in Buffalo today! I'm as astonished as you are, believe me! ;-) Also, my beloved Buffalo Sabres have kicked ass in the first round of playoffs and move on to the next round, which makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Has anyone ever read Love In The Time of Cholera? I just finished it, after a good 2 years worth of failed attempts to actually keep interest in it long enough to finish it.
It won a Nobel Prize.... that means it should be a good book, right?
I mean.... I mean...... SIGH.
I'm just curious to know what anyone else thought of the book, in case maybe I missed something (like missed the part that doesn't make me want those hours of my life back).
I seriously need to stop reading books just because they are considered "classics" or "award winners" and because I therefore feel obliged to have read them. See folks.... ego IS bad! ;-)
OH, welcome to
thegirlcansing to the crack that IS LiveJournal! She's an old friend from Pennsyltucky theatre, who I lost touch with for a while there... send her some love, folks! :-)
Well, that's about all from me for now..... I know I haven't written in a while, but now is not the time for a long and poetic update. It's only 8:30am, and I haven't even finished my first cuppa joe.
I'll post more later after I'm a bit more caffeinated & coherent.