Fresh ground coffee, fleas, and other deep thoughts

Jul 22, 2006 09:36

One of our wedding gifts (which we got early. Yeah for gifts!) is this kick-ass new coffee pot that grinds the beans fresh before brewing. So, we put the whole beans and the water in the thing, set the timer, and this morning at 8am, we woke up to the smell of very fresh brewing coffee..... My cup of coffee is so good, I might just cry. It is official: all of this wedding bullshit is ALL worth it, just for this coffee maker. SIGH. I think I'm in love...

In other news, my poor dog now has fleas. The pup just got over having a nasty stomach flu a couple of days ago, and then yesturday, I saw fleas jumping around on him (which would also explain why he was whimpering and rolling around on the carpet all day). So, I bought one of those Flea Bath products, which you lather them up with, then let sit on thier fur/skin for 5-10 minutes before rinsing. He was NOT happy about it, and expressed his distaste with the process during the whole bath (those of you who know Micky, know what I mean... the little bastard really does grumble and bitch and glare like a little old man. Hee hee. Stupid dogs). So, I'm sitting there, telling him to "chill out, it's just a bath" (Yeah, I was shit-talking my dog. So what??), and then I realize that MY hands (which I had been using to spread the shit all over him) were tingling and burning and turning red and cracking/drying. Suddenly, I had sympathy for the dog. That Flea Bath stuff is NOT pleasant on the skin! Anyway, we both survived the flea dip, and were rewarded with treats afterwards for our ordeal. (he got a biscuit, I had a Daquari. I don't like biscuits.) However.... his fleas have returned today. SIGH. Any pet owners out there have any suggestions? Medicine? More Flea Baths? Flea collar?
I hate fleas.
BUT.... I'd much prefer fleas to a projectile-vomiting dog. I'm just sayin'....

Well, today (after finishing my glorious cup of coffee, and packing the kids & dog in the car), we leave for good 'ol Pennsyltucky to begin the wedding Tech Week. The wedding is exactly a week away now.... funny thing is, I'm not nervous at all. I'm nervous that I might trip in my heels coming down the steps, or that there will be a drunken family brawl at the reception (hey... we are Irish afterall. We brawl at Thanksgiving... why should a wedding be any different? Hee hee), but not nervous about the "getting married" part at all. I wonder if that's bad.... It feels like an opening night: I'm looking forward to the excitement of the day, but for the most part, I'm just very focused on what's left to do beforehand, and on minimizing any costume malfunctions. I'm such a goddamn Techie.... even about my own wedding!! Ha ha! I find that to be VERY funny!

That's all.... and my wonderfully tasty cup 'o joe is about finished, so it's time to pack the car, and get moving. I have a good 6 hour drive ahead of me today..... ick.

Well everyone, wish me luck (er.... "luck" sounds cheesy. How about, just wish that there are NO drunken family brawls at my reception! Yeah, that's more realistic...).

micky, wedding, pennsyltucky

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