Just saw on the News that our wonderful Governor might now be delaying tax refunds to those of us who are getting a NYS tax refund this year. Of course if you owe you have to pay on time "or else" but if you're waiting for your refund you might be waiting a long time.
Now here's the thing. My husband and I are waiting for a refund from NY (we got a little refund from the Feds, which already came). The reason we're getting a refund is because we paid out MORE money in taxes through 2009 so we could get a refund this year. So in return we're likely going to have to wait for who knows how long to get back the amount we over paid?
Where does it end? Taxes on bottled water, extra high taxes on cigarettes, cutting funding on school programs, all amid drug and infidelity alligations that he's trying to sweep under the carpet? I'm not one to usually discuss politics openly but I'm saying that I've had enough of this shit. Stop stealing all my money, Paterson! I don't have much to begin with and I'm going even more broke for everything he's putting taxes on, and now possibly holding my refund. I hope this doesn't happen. If he "delays" it how long will it last, and will we actually see our money ever? With Paterson I tend to doubt it.
The point of this post was really to let you guys know in case you're waiting for yours. Sorry my bitching got in the way.
the brief blurb on WVIB.