Mar 21, 2009 07:06
The Tea Party/Tax Revolt will be Sat, March 28, at 2:00 at the Terminus at the
(see attachments, and/or go to
It is time for a headcount and so far this looks like it will be big.
We will get a big crowd there and it will send a message that we are at
the end of our rope and it is time for citizen action against this unruly
government, and inform
Sheldon Silver and Malcom Smith that they do not run this state. We the People
do; and
it is time for them to realize this and listen to us.
All elected officials have been invited by letters and/or emails. So far
Ghris Lee, Jane Corwin, Dale Volker, Bob Reynolds, John Mills, Sheldon Silver
have "previous committments".
(as well as 2 others my husband deleted by mistake)
Senator Maziarz and Betty Jean Grant will be there. Antoine Thompson said he
would be there or send a rep.
I have not yet heard from anyone else.
The media has also been contacted. Bring signs. Bring a copy of your tax bill.
If possible, we will burn them
or just plain tear them up and throw them in the trash. We are also open to
ideas (within reason, please).
Please respond to or Ellie
Please pass this on, post flyers, and tell everyone you know.
It is time to tell Albany, enough is enough!
Thank you and looking forward to seeing you there.
Open Attachment: TeaParty.pdf
Terninus Canal.jpg
tea party