“Appearing for the supporters of Prop 8, Kenneth Starr, the former Whitewater prosecutor, said the people hold the right to modify the state constitution by adding or subtracting protections for civil rights.
"The people have the raw power to define rights. The people are sovereign and can even do very unwise things," he said.”
If the court thinks this is a legal and logical argument then I am going to cry.
How can 50%+1 of the people be allowed to take people’s rights away?
I fucking hope to hell there is a ballot measure somewhere that outlaws Christianity by a 52% vote of the people. Maybe when Christians freak out about that we can point to their Prop 8 “arguments”. And I am sick of Conservatives telling us to respect the majority of voters when it comes to the Ballot.
Are they respecting the majority of the people who want Obama to succeed, and who trust his economic plans?
Are they respecting the majority of the people who voted no to the Abortion bans?
Did they respect the Voters wishes in Arizona when the originally voted NOT to put one man one woman in the constitution? (So they pushed it again and again year after year until they got the result they wanted!)
I am so sick of these people, and the fact that Christianity can apparently get around the whole separation of church and state by pushing ballot measures makes me want to strangle someone.
May I get a hug?