*Note- The embedding code for the videos I wanted to show would not work so here are the links instead.*
I think McCain and Palin have made a big mistake, in saying Obama "paling around with terrorists" And shit is hitting the fans. After these remarks McCain’s’ rallies have taken a rancorous and deadly turn. Shouts of; “Traitor” “Terrorist” “Kill him!” “Bomb Obama” have broken out. Seems that all the bogus myths about Obama have sprung into McCains supporters now. Has McCains tactic of ultra negative campaign ads turned horribly against him? I know McCain does not feel that Obama is a bad guy. He had to take a microphone away from an old lady because she said he was an “Arab”. I know McCain does not believe this crap but I fear he has helped bring this recent outbreak of hatred to spring up in his followers. Many of them feel this way as evident by all the recent outbursts, and I think McCain is realizing his mistakes now. I applauded McCain for correct people, but he needs to not help spread it by using these tactics. He needs to go back to talking about the issues and not focus on innocent acquaintances.
There are a lot of people who hate Obama and I am starting to fear for his safety. They already had to arrest 3 men who were plotting to assassinate him. And now those isolated pockets of racial hatred and fear are starting to leak into McCains daily rallies. I know McCain does not agree with what these radicals in his party think, but they do make a large part of his base. I honestly fear the direction this election year is turning. I suggest that both candidates during the 3rd and final presidential debate embrace one another and speak a shared message to the American people that they are both proud and supportive of one another and acknowledge that they are both patriots for this great country. The rest of the debate should not be plagued by finger pointing and personal attacks but rather talking only about one’s self. Speak about their lives and accomplishments and their plans for helping the American people through one of the worst times in its history since September 11th. After the primaries I was afraid for the split in the Democratic Party, now seeing McCains once honest and friendly campaign turn ugly I am afraid for the unity of the whole country.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/27108342#27108342 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/27125261#27125261 I still Respect McCain. As for Palin I have no respect for her at all. It was her “Pitbull” and bullheaded rhetoric that has sparked the small, quiet and ugly underground of the Republican Party. Now the more liberal republicans and independent voters are turning away in disgust, conservative bloggers have even said that that this recent turn in the republican campaign is a horrible and scary thing. If Palin wants to talk about Paling around with terrorists she should take a look at her own list of shady friends and associations. It has been declared that she did in fact misuse her power as governor, and now her dealings and associations with the Alaskan Independence Party have surfaced.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/27125462#27125462 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22425001/vp/27108355#27108355