(no subject)

Jun 07, 2005 16:20

just to let everyone know, a few new things have happened since last week.

A: my internet has been cut off for what feels like ages. actually, I think it's been 6 days, but still...

B: I'm sick of putting up with all the "music industry" bullshit, so I'm trying to start my own crew. it's proving to be harder than anticipated, mostly because there are a grand total of like, 4 good players and 4 good vocalists in wausau that I could hire. this means that aside from a drummer, vocalist, and myself, I may need to import a keysman, guitarist, and slab-bass player from other parts of the state... at least til fall when I know there'll be a killer guitarist and bassist in point again.

C: I'm still broke, but it's such a persistent factor that I feel I must remind everyone.

D: I have recently seen (in depth) what drug addiction can turn a person into, and I have changed my mind on what i think the courts should treat a drug addict as; I believe that drug addicts are criminals and idiots, and if caught should in fact be punished rather than "treated". addiction is nothing but a lack of determination, and drug addicts are usually lowlifes who don't care enough to change their lives for their benefit or for that of their family. I could go on for days about how addicts are weak morons and how I'd like to stomp each one of their skulls into the pavement, but that would waste time. (casual use is one thing... I say whatever to that, as in the industry you can't stop it. addiction however is what I'm talking about here and is one thing I really hate, just to clear things up)

E: I am currently unmedicated for lack of monetary funds and sufficient amount of doctors with open schedules who can represcribe my meds for me. it sucks, but I've been unmedicated since friday night and I'm holding up quite well.

F: thanks to patrick, I've found another killer saxman to dig: ralph moore. killer work... I love his sound and attitude. it's killer.

G: I'm done.

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