Nov 15, 2005 13:39
Hi Liz! Well, Xbox vs. Ps2, Honestly the games are going to be nearly the same as they are released on both consoles, with the exception of a few excusive titles for each (Like Halo being aviablable only for the xbox). The main differences in the consoles will be hardware oriented, and honestly, the xbox puts the PS2 to shame. Owning every current generartion system I can guve more of an unbaised opinion, so heres a pro and con list for both systems:
Pros - Cheaper Games for the most part
- Available in a new "slim" version that is sexy as hell
- Has more available games than the Xbox
Cons - Only two controller ports, if you want more than 2 playes you're forced to buy a $20 accessory in addition to the extra controllers
- Online gameplay service SUCKS
- No Harddrive, you will have to spend $20 to buy a memory card to save your game progress
Pros - Outpowers the PS2 by more then double the clock processor speed
- Most asthetically pleasing games
- Has one of the best shooters in the world: Halo and Halo 2
- Has 4 Controller ports
- Has a built in 10 GB Harddrive, which means you don't need memory cards, you can save the games right to the system.
- Has a built in parental control system
Cons - Has less games than the PS2 (but isnt it quality over quantity?)
- Not that many good RPGs for it
Though I own both I am partial to the xbox because of the technical aspects, and networkability of the console (you can connect 4 xboxes and play a 16 player I did this past weekend ^_^) Honestly, both of these systems are geared toward a more mature audience, but still have games available for the youngins.
You MAY want to consider a third option, The Nintendo Gamecube.
The nintendo Gamecube it one of the most underrated systems ever, but it still holds it's ground. The system falls in between the ps2 and the xbox in terms of power. The more popular games still get ported the the gamecube, so no fears there, but it will have considerably less games then either of the other systems, but the quality is unsurpassed. Not only this, but the gamecube is a hell of a deal right now. You can get a gamecube for $99 right now that COMES WITH A GAME AND TWO CONTROLLERS!!! (Bundle aviablable at NFM)
The nintendo gamecube will have less gore in the games overall, and has some of the more nostalgic titles (Mario, Zelda, Metriod).
Nintendo Gamecube
- More powerful than the PS2
- Best Bang for the buck
- Has 4 controller ports
Cons - Has less games than ANY system
- Nearly non-existant online/network play
- No Harddrive, but the memory cards are cheap
Summary: The PS2 is the more mainstream console, with the most games and the biggest userbase, the Xbox is the most powerful console with the best looking games and the best online service, The gamecube has some of the best quality exclusive games, best price, and is more kid-friendly. Now, if you notice, I didnt tell you which one to buy, these are the straight facts, and you know what you're family wants better than I do. If you have any other ?s hit me up on AIM, s/n is SpunkyP43.