(no subject)

Aug 04, 2007 15:42

man, I wish my mom would go ahead and divorce my dad. I'm so sick a tired of her underhanded comments and bitchy attitude every time she's in a ten foot radius of him. She's changed so much in the past few years, I really can't believe she's my mom anymore. For those of you who don't know, my mom lost 100 and some pounds. And ever since she got "hot" she's been a total nightmare to live with. She's always commenting on calorie content of food or how good it feels to finally be a size ten. She tries to wear my clothes and comments on how "cubby" I'm getting. I wish I knew what was going on inside her fucked up head. I guess she thinks we owe her something because having a family was what caused her to get fat in the first place, but she's really alienating the people who have always been there for her. The only thing I feel like I owe her is a punch in the jaw.

For those of you who call me from time to time, my cell phone decided to die six days after the warrenty expired and I have no money to fix it. I can recieve calls, I just can't make them or listen to voicemails.
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