Emerald Witch Raffle

Jul 10, 2011 08:45

Long time, no post!

I'm posting now to try and get the word out about a raffle I am putting on to help my friend Jonna! http://tara-2-tara.livejournal.com/

I was so inspired by the help Ruth/Eurotrash received to replace her stolen iPad that I decided to see if I could help my
friend the same way. I'm going to raffle off my Emerald Witch in her original outfit, along with a darling cone dress by Helena of Funny Bunny!

Jonna and I both lost our jobs around the same time 2 years ago. Her husband works at Starbucks, which isn't the highest paying job and they have 2 kids, so it's been really rough. She had just finally started a new job, when her car was hit from behind by a drunk driver. Of course that person didn't have a valid drivers license and has no insurance! Jonna's insurance doesn't cover a rental car, so she's been paying for one out of pocket so she can get to work. Her car will take about a month to be repaired.

SO, I am trying to raise funds to help with her $1000 insurance deductible as well as her rental car charges. I'm still unemployed so unfortunately I can't just loan her the money.

Here's the link to my page about the raffle: http://leah.kookiecola.com/blog/?p=1
Tickets are $5 each and I will be selling them until July 22nd. On the 23rd I'll use a random number generator to choose a winner!

Thanks in advance to everyone who has bought and will buy tickets! I know Jonna will truly appreciate it!!!

Here's a pic of Emerald Witch:

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