Mid July

Jul 16, 2009 11:58

We've been home from our roadtrip to Monterey for almost a week and amazingly I'm still unemployed.
I think I had the fantasy that I'd be going back to work after the trip. Kinda funny.
I really haven't been doing much. I get up with Jacki so I'm not sleeping late, sit around
and do computer stuff, then putter around doing dishes or throwing old stuff out of
the pantry etc. Nothing big. I haven't totally unpacked yet, just not motivated to do that. I have
done some laundry. Jacki fixed up the formatting on my resume, since I saw a job I should apply for.
It's so hard reading the job descriptions. I don't feel like I fit into that corporate world.
Everything seems so boring and "business-y" and everyone seems to want someone with a CS degree :P Too bad I like making 50k a year. har har.

My sister stayed with us for two days while she's working down here. Well she's here in the evenings
and leaves early in the morning so she's only kinda here. It's been a nice diversion though. She might
stay all next week so that will be cool. It's fun reconnecting with her, but not so fun thinking hearing
about how awful my mom was to her and my other half siblings. It's hard to hear, but mostly true I'm sure.

I haven't seen any of my ex-coworkers since I left. I should meet up with my one female coworker for lunch. It's hard to maintain a relationship with people that didn't exactly "Get me" in the first place.
She really likes me though and is lonely as the only woman (and only one not scrabbling for postion)
so I need to get together with her. I know she wanted to quit before I was laid off and I'm sure she is even more miserable now. Feels like a chore though. I know she'll want to talk about work and really, why do I care about that job anymore?

So just rambling mostly. Kinda makes me feel better to write some stuff out...I want to vacuum out my car and pick the suckers off the tomatoes. Woo, fun day planned! haha
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