К последним событиям в Великобритании. Английские обыватели в тисках нового мирового порядка

Aug 17, 2011 03:01

Добропорядочные и законопослушные английские обыватели наивно вопрошают, отчего их голоса не слышат там наверху, почему им уготована судьба быть растерзанными варварскими ордами, прущими с Юга и Востока?
March Banned, Footie Cancelled, Shops Shuttered

By EDL News Team in August 14th 2011   14 Comments »
Filed Under News     Tags: child rape, EDL, English Defence League, Police, rape, Telford, UAF, United Midlands, Wellington Police Station     

March banned, footie cancelled and shops boarded up: for what? David Cameron: you owe a great many people a very big apology and we are not going to forget.
Why do Police, councilors, the media and even the Prime Minster continually lie about us, ensuring that local people are scared, resulting in closed shops and ghost-towns? They are always proved wrong and made to look silly; what is the ulterior motive?
Why, after so many peaceful demonstrations where EDL stewards have done a magnificent job, do the Police feel the need to abuse and arrest peaceful protesters?

Are Police told to arrest as many EDL as they can?

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