May 20, 2008 13:27
В своей любимой книжке лимериков нашла несколько забавных на зоологическую тему.
A flea and a fly in a flue
Were imprisoned, so what could they do?
Said the fly:'Let us flee!'
Said the flea:'Let us fly!'
So they flew through a flaw in the flue.
Раньше не знала, что антилопа гну на английском "gnu" произносится как "new".
There was a young woman named Sue
Who saw a strange beast in the zoo;
When she asked,'Is it old?'
She firmly was told,
'No! Certainly not! It is gnu.'
А вот и мой любимый лимерик:
The thoughts of the rabit on sex
Are seldom, if ever, complex;
For a rabbit in need
Is a rabbit indeed,
And does just as a person expects.
"A rabbit in need is a rabbit indeed" теперь просто как магическое заклинание выполоскало все мысли из головы.