It's been a while, and I've got a quiz to post, so why not update?
A few things have been going on. Went to go play Mah-Jongg for Halloween; also celebrated my mom's and her friend's birthdays (late, mind you) that day. Since my last entry, I bought two books, one on my horoscope and another on auras. They're both good. I've also bought a couple CDs; Blaze's new CD (which isn't that great), Mirror Mirror by Twiztid and Hatchet History by Psychopathic Records (both of which ARE great), and finally eMOTIVe by Perfect Circle (which is of the sweetness). So that's cool. And I've been reading them and other books at Hastings recently, and learning alot. I've also been writing poetry here and there, as usual. All in all, it hasn't been too bad.
Been depressed a few times, but spending most of the time really hyper and in a rediculously good mood. Especially the day before yesterday, I almost updated my journal then, but it would have been misleading because I would have been happier in that message then any of the other days in the last couple of months. There have been a number of reasons why I've been depressed, not the least of which is the fact my mom and I aren't getting along. I was considering moving out soon. Again. More seriously then before, I've been thinking about where I would get a job and talked to my aunt about a house she has nearby and how much it would cost to rent and maintain it and it's utilities. It'll be expensive, to say the least. I think I'll just wait and go to college in Springfield, some 50 miles away, as originally planned. I wasn't sure I wanted to, and still not sure, but it seems like it's what to do and if I'm going to, there is no point to moving out since classes start in January. Might as well just save money and move up there then. And thankfully, I think my mom will let me.
Got this from Vamp's LJ.
You Are "Wow"!
What Japanese Smiley Are You? That's about it, not a whole lot else to say, so I'll just leave it at that. I'll update this again someday, to whoever reads it.
- Dave