徹夜 are fun

May 06, 2006 22:25

So I am tired as all hell....Yesterday was a long day

I showed someone who just moved to Japan all around den den and most of downtown osaka yesterday, which was a lot of fun. He was pretty cool and I enjoy hanging out in osaka whenever I can anyway.

Then after that, around 11, I got 引っ張り出した into going to a club with JP and Mai. I am not a big club person but Paul Van Dyke was DJing so it was worth going to. I am not really big on electronic music but even I know his name, and he put on a really good show. The club itself was also one of the nicer ones I have been to. We also ran into the director of Onimusha 2 there, although I didn't really talk to him at all. Kind of hard to on a dance floor. Still pretty funny when JP noticed it was him. Japan is way too small.

Now I am coming into the last 2 weeks of classes. I have yet to start any papers or study for anything. Oh well. Time to play some DS.
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