Euchre and tilting

Apr 28, 2005 16:37


To play wildly or recklessly. A player is said to be "on tilt" if he is not playing
his best, playing too many hands, trying wild bluffs, raising with bad hands, etc.Is it possible to go on tilt at euchre? Yes, yes it is. Let me see if I can reconstruct game 3 of a Wendy's best-of-3 session today.

Score: 7-2 for us.
I make it spades in second seat after some other suit gets turned down, holding J-A of spades and 3 9's, figuring my partner can ace or trump one of the 9's. My RHO (right-hand opponent) leads an ace, and it holds. She leads a different suit, and LHO turns up with that ace - it holds. LHO leads the third suit, partner follows!!, RHO grabs the king. My partner and I are both 4-suited, and I'm already off 3 tricks. She leads something, and I glance at LHO who's smirking at me. He's holding the left. Auch, off 4 tricks.

Score: 7-4.
My partner makes it hearts in third seat after my RHO turns something down. I hold a club, K-10 hearts, A-10 spades. I lead the club. I know, I know, but give me a break, I'm still thinking about the last hand. My partner wins the ace, and returns another club. RHO discards something. Should I trump this trick? I risk being overtrumped, and anyway I want to be able to trump the diamond ace return and lead a trump. So I pitch my low spade. LHO wins the trump 9. His SPADE return is trumped by his partner's Q, and her J is the setting trick. My partner's hand was left-A hearts, A-small clubs, A of diamonds. I think RHO turned down a diamond. LHO's hand contains only one trump - the 9. I later think, why would partner return another club? Because he wants to promote trump tricks. Having one trick in the bag, and between us we hold left-A-K of trump, we must make two more tricks -- if I co-operate and nuke that club. *sigh*

Score: 7-6.
I pick up the 9 of hearts to make my hand J-10-9 hearts, two small diamonds. LHO leads the ace of diamonds, which holds when my partner discards something black. He then shows me the left-ace-king of hearts. He intends to play in diamonds alone if I pass the heart, with J-A-K diamonds, A-K hearts. It won't work because I have his left guarded, and it's his lead. *sigh*.

Score: 7-8.
Without waiting for anyone's action, LHO picks up a heart and goes alone (despite needing only 2 points to win). My hand is Ace clubs, Ace-small diamonds, and 2 small spades. LHO trumps partner's ace of spade lead, then drops partner's left with his right. A-K hearts follow, partner pitching his other spade and a small club. I need to decide which ace to pitch. LHO sees me pondering my last discard and says "oh good, he's got two aces - let's see you pitch the wrong one." I ponder ... then decide on the ace of clubs because I saw my partner pitch one on the trumps. Lo and behold, LHO plunks down the K of clubs, says "WRONG.", it's over, mannn I hate this game. I said it was a good thing I wasn't playing poker. =)
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