Oct 24, 2004 21:17
hey everyone i ahev been thinking lately, and here is a product of my thoughts, i am not sure if it is a poem, but w/e it is i would love feedback, comments and help gladly accepted..please tell me a respose to it or how u feel about it
The heart of life.
the emotions it holds,
its yins and yangs,
the love-the hate,
the sadness-the happiness,
the envy and jealousy- the acknowledgements and pride,
all are counter-parts,
all make equal,
all make the life of the heart of life,
whcih in turn pumps teh blood spilt by innocents, desired by greedy fools who live the life
of secular assholes who screem the intolernces of faggot and dyke,
inpurties of names, names of disgust, names of the Negroes,
the stereotypical Muslim terrorists
or cause the desturction and genocides of Jews, Armenians, Serbs, Christians,French and Japanese
the assholes and bastards who build countries on the massacre of the less fourtunate
, the assholes and bastards who are the communists, the socialists, teh Christains, the Romans, the empires, the Democrats, the Republicans who make their life out of the death of 10,000 others, people who prove we are all guilty.
every single one of us are testified and proven,
and none come innconent to teh test of purity,
in a world where the heart of life is replaced,
or understood and defined,
by the facts of a cycle of life and death,
of the Biblical beauty of a rotting tree
sprouting a gorgeous blood red rose of thorns and petals,
BUT we are not the rose
but more of the rotting tree damned into eternity never to be reborn.
hope shall brake the eternity
Where is hope?
Hope is in the rose.
the rose we must build,
the rose we must protect as the thorns on the stem
as a memory protects a forgotten past,
not as an army protects a lost tyrant driven mad
by the wealth of his banks.
our blood of loss must not be respil,
but must never to be forgotten
so that teh beauty of it comes out
as the beauty of the rose of blood.
we are the future.
the old is dying,
the young must be ready.
Must love not hate,
and help those who hate in spite of our love.
we must join hands
as the cells of the dying tree build the growing rose of the dead bible
to be forever live,
as forever ends tomorrow.
we are the future.
we must not rely on theocracy or religion or god or humanism or politics orlawas of change.
lwas brake, death is envitable, but memory is forever, or to be made forever.
tolerance is the anwser.
hope is in teh youth
in our minds to teach the indeals of anti-hate and acceptance of those who cannot accept
Hope is not in teh future as the emotion is not in the past.
hope is only in teh present sided with the emotions.
our emotions must not die
but must be directed towards teh changing colors of the present balck hearts of humans
if we are in gods image
than create a god not of perfection but of acceptance and progress,
the heart of life is how we make it
the individual must decide.