A new week...

Nov 08, 2005 00:54

...is what this is.

And so far it's going well, and I'm enormously relieved, such is my desire to escape anything related to last week. Work tonight was excellent: Didn't do much actual working, rather spent hours pissing about and sending things up and down in the food lifts to keep amused. I was there with Jack (who is a dude), Gemma (who is a star) and Eileen (who is lovely), and it was so enjoyable and stress-free that I stayed an hour late to help them out. Got a beer for my troubles, too. I'm pretty much on autopilot while I'm working and it's all very easy. I might even take on an extra shift per week after reading week, mainly because I managed to spend £50 without trying today.

And it was a decent day. Chris and I were running errands in various places, the sun was out, our hairdresser remembered us...good stuff.

The rest of the week will hopefully follow suit. Brighton Rocks is going to rule as per usual; the weekend is filled with sport; and I'm going for a drink with Josie on wednesday. I'm not expecting anything to happen, of course - this is the real world, after all - but I'm going to enjoy myself regardless. Chris is going to great lengths to convince me I'd be better off staying at home, as far as I can see, and he's probably looking out for me in some way (right, buddy?) but it'd be nice just to be permitted a little excitement for a change. She is waaaaaay too cool and beautiful for me, but let a guy dream, eh?
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