Title: The Chlorinated Caper Unfolds
Word: spiffy
elfie_elfieLength: 200 words exactly The problem, she now realised, was family.
No matter how brilliant or stupid or gentle or vicious… you couldn’t get away from family no matter how damn hard you tried.
After her parents had died, she’d left the rented apartment to set a course for her own life.
Sure, it hadn’t worked out that wonderfully, and what she’d had to do to survive hadn’t been pleasant, but she at least had the thought that she’d have had their blessing.
And then there was… him.
Listening to the self-proclaimed master criminal expound on his latest scheme, she knew that he was in a lifelong competition - in his mind at least - with his more famous and successful older brother.
Sure, he’d tried to change things: from somewhere he’d appropriated an upper class English accent, and a penchant for public-school exclamations and terms. But at the end of the day, he couldn’t hide the fact that his brother Ernst Stavro had got the brains of the family.
“So what do you think, huh? Huh? Isn’t it just spiffy?”
She brought her mind back to the plan to steal all of America’s swimming pools and sighed. It was going to be a long night.
© Lee Barnett, 2006