Title: The Mouse That Scored
Word: barrister
reverend2001Length: 200 words exactly The hole at the lower edge of the wall, just by the corner of the flea-infested room, looked a perfect circle.
It was only upon a close examination that one could see tooth marks, showing the effort that had been expended to create the opening.
However, the man sitting in the chair, the usual paraphernalia surrounding him, wasn't looking that closely. It wouldn't have mattered if he had been, though. Whatever he was seeing in his drug-induced state bore little resemblance to his actual environment and the small scurrying creature at his feet certainly never entered into what little was left of his consciousness.
The mouse was hungry. What food there was had turned rotten some days earlier and even though the smell was offensive, the smaller of the two animals in the room still needed sustenance of some sort.
The rodent saw, but did not understand, the hollowed out light bulb the barrister had supplied to the man, as a way of smoking crystal meth. It didn't appreciate the circumstances of the small piece of mouldy bread it ate falling into the bulb.
In fact, it didn't know much of anything as its brain, quickly and efficiently, shut down.
© Lee Barnett, 2005