Sep 10, 2011 18:48
Just curious, but given my lack of posting this year, and lack of responses (other than a dozen or so regulars) when I do post, given that I've something like 240 folks ostensibly following this blog, and more reading it via RSS or somesuch...
Who's actually reading this blog anymore?
Just shout out - and if you're not a member of LJ, identify yourself when you say "me"? Thanks. (I'm curious to see whether some people only read the blog if I tweet about it as well...?)
Also curious, but don't feel obliged to answer, how come you're following? A friend? Recommended and stuck around? Started at the time of the fast fictions?
(Yes, there are reasons I'm asking, partly to do with whether I continue any kind of blog, and if so, whether or not to shut this one down and restart elsewhere.)