Edinburgh - Thursday

Aug 12, 2011 14:15

Another day with lots of walking around yesterday - I guess that despite being painkillered up to the eyebrows, that's quite healthy for me. Certainly I've lost just a tad more weight, so the belt has come in one more notch.

Didn't have much planned in terms of gigs on Thursday, but those I did fancy seeing seem to either have been sold out or the queues were massive. There were a number of plays that on another occasion I'd have gone to, but in my current state of mind, weren't for me. And a number of comedians that I did want to see, but as mentioned, I'd left it too late for tickets.

Among those I'd have genuinely wanted to see were Shappi Khorsandi, Paul Sinha, Meryl O'Rourke and Dave Gorman. Ah well, another time (another Festival?) hopefully.

I did get to see Best of The Fest, which, like Political Animal, featured ten minute showcases for acts. Of the five acts, one of them I'd seen (The Segue Sisters), three I'd have liked to have seen their full shows (Ian de Montford - comedy spiritualist, Gareth Richards - musical comedy, and Stuart Goldsmith - standup) and one cabaret act - Briefs - that I would have happily paid not to ever see again. Dire.

Superbly compered by Andre Vincent, another full show I'd have liked to have seen, I may have done this every day had I known about it. Seriously good hour.

In the evening, managed to hook up with a few friends from Scotland that I haven't seen in some years - a nice evening, telling old stories, reminiscing, and discussion of comics (the readable kind). A nice time.

Wandered back to the city centre afterwards and had a bite to eat before trying (and failing) to get into Comedy Countdown. Had a further wander, just soaking in the city (in both meanings, there has been much rain this week) before walking back to the house and to bed... Final day in Edinburgh on Friday. More to come.

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via ljapp, edinburgh

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