Home woes

Aug 26, 2008 16:59

So being a landlord is interesting. It's nothing like being the Lord when you get people praying to you every day. Instead, it is like... hmm I THINK I'm going to get ____$ next month after the renter pays, the management company takes their fees, any repairs are done, and the lawn is mowed and then you get your check and are like, uh oh. I can FEEL like this check inside this envelope is going to be less than I expected and partially ruin my financial situation until next month but let me open it and see... THEN, you open it... DUN DUN and wow! It IS LESS than you expected. Fixing the bathroom: $260. Mowing the lawn: $227. So, then you make some calls about the lawn and you get all kinds of rigamaroll about contracts and prices going up and the renter won't pay more and blah blah blah blah blah.

So anyway, I did some heavy lifting kind of work today on the phone with Ohio trying to get rid of the lawn company and hopefully make mowing the lawn the renter's responsibility. Results? Er, um, ahh, uh, I THINK the management company is going to email me to continue the conversation. MY GOALS: 1) Get rid of lawn company immediately and replace it with another one I pick or even me going down and mowing it every 3 weeks myself in the summer OR 2) If I can't get out of the current lawn company, get them to go to the house less and charge me half OR 3) if that doesn't work, keep the lawn company until the end of the "contract" (written or verbal - I don't know yet) in November (when in November I don't know yet but it probably doesn't matter a lot) and then next year either have a new lease with the customer making the lawn her responsibility even if I have to lower the rent by $25 to $50. FURTHER CONUNDRUMS: "Maybe we can sell the house to her," they said. "I would be happy to sell the house," I said. HUH??????????? There is more but that is it for now.
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