Annoyance re: Loncon3

Jan 11, 2014 00:30

We purchased our memberships to Loncon3 back in April of 2013.  At that time, I requested both email *and* post (snail mail) correspondence.  When I got the email about PR2 being available, I emailed to verify that they did have me down for both, because I had already been seeing reports from people for about a week stating that they had received their copy of the PR.  They confirmed that they did indeed have me down for both and asked that I give it a week, and if I didn't receive it by then, to let them know.  Well, because of the holidays, I gave it a bit longer.

Today, 13 days after the email saying PR2 was sent, I FINALLY got my copy of PR2.  And the address on it is wrong - it's missing my apartment number.  Which I *did* provide to them, and is on my email receipt (I checked).  Is it *really* that hard to make sure that ALL of the data that is given to you makes it into your database for mailing?  I sent an email letting them know that I had finally received the PR, and to PLEASE correct my address to include the apartment information.  I'm REALLY lucky I even got the PR - depending on our mailman of the day, they would have been perfectly within their rights to send it back (to California, but still)!

This did not cause me to lose out on booking my hotel room (even though we aren't sure yet that we can attend), and it did not cause a major issue or hardship for me, but that's because I *also* regularly check (and read) my email and other resources on the Internet.  If I had been relying on the mailed copy of the PR, I'd be a LOT more upset.

ETA:  Apparently their pubs/membership people can't get their shit together.  I'm not listed at all on the membership list in the PR, even though I said it was fine to list me by my real name.  However, Shirt *is* listed - by his real name, when I told them to use his badge name (and provided it).  Apparently they were going by a REALLY DAMN OLD LIST, because he's listed as supporting when we upgraded in April of 2013.  The list says "#### members as of 18 November 2013".  I would personally expect the list *included* with that statement to be accurate AS OF THAT DAY, not from over 6 months prior.  How f*cking difficult is it to make your databases talk to each other and PULL THE CORRECT INFORMATION??????  It REALLY should NOT be that difficult.  I know I could *easily* do it with a function in Excel if necessary!!!!

loncon3, worldcon

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