sad news

Jul 02, 2011 19:49

Today I had to do one of the few things I don't like about being a pet owner.  I had to make the decision to send Belle to the Rainbow Bridge.  She was fine this morning, then we went out to run a couple of errands and get lunch.   We were gone less than two hours.  When we got home, Belle wasn't in one of her normal spots.  I called her, and heard her meow from the closet.

At first I thought she had just gotten into the closet and was hiding; then I noticed that the pillow she normally sleeps on was not where it normally was - it was on the floor next to the shelves.  When I finally found Belle, she was on the floor, and looked like she might be hurt.  I was able to get her to move and figured out that she wasn't hurt; but she was clearly holding herself in place.  When I tried to pick her up, I realized that there was something very wrong - she started rolling over uncontrollably - she looked like she was spinning.  We took her to the vet right away, but unfortunately, there wasn't much they could do.  We don't have thousands of dollars to spend just to try and figure out what was causing the neurologic problem, and the odds were not good that she would get better.

I held her for a while - they wrapped her in a blanket so she would have something to hold on to - and I could tell she wasn't doing well.  She was breathing hard, barely looking around, her nose was getting warm and dry, and then she started panting off and on.  She knew I was holding her, but she wasn't purring - or trying to get down, like she normally would - at all.

I told the vet my decision, and held her while he gave her the shot.  I'll get her ashes back after she is cremated.
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