the cure was the shit........but not half as chill as ashleigh in my underwear

Sep 21, 2003 23:22

a few days ago we went on a fantastic road trip to san bernadino to see the cure, duran

duran,hot hot heat, and like 50 million other great bands. the cure was amazing and i loved

them x 75349759307589347298.9. the ride up was goodtimes with some good jams compliments of

brooke volumes 1-4 and 1 cd that ashlee made. after being stuck in traffic for

waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too many hours we got to pick up that little slut krystee and she was

whoring it up at the station like only she can. so after that we finally got to our fabulous

hotel and we pimped it out hardcore with all the other high class people. soon after all the

excitement at the HO-tel we went to dennys and ashleigh had to go pee every 3 seconds

because of her "coke - vagina" it was sad. i thought she was gonna die. we played at the

arcade for a little bit and ashleigh tried to pee again and she ofcourse couldnt because

she sucks at life. then we got back to the marriot and ashlee and i decided to explore the

hotel when all of a sudden and might i say very unexpectedly the elevator we were in decided

that it wanted to stop in between 2 floors. so while we were stuck in that death trap
ashleigh went looking for us all over the hotel.....she is a fantastic friend i must say i

<3 her. any how krystee got a phone call when ashleigh returned to the room saying were stuck in the elevator so they went to talk to us through the doors and help calm my psycho

ass down. ashleigh could stay long b/c of health reasons (she had to pee again). so during

all of this an hour later we got out and went back to the room and tried to calm down. we went down to the pool for a bit then off to bed. when we woke up the next morning we got

ready to see the CURE but we had to leave our beloved ashleigh at the hotel. so 13 hours of amazing music hot boys dancing with slutty krystee. so we returned to find ashleigh reading the bible and writing elvis presley lyrics ( she is the shit). so then we found
FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD which we neeeeeded then the next morning i had to take krystee to

the train station and it was soooo sad b/c i love her and miss her so much santa barbra is

lucky to have her. then i went back to my ashley's. they are goodtimes. we slept and packed and ate and watched mrs. doubtfire. then we left and went to church's chicken where we ruled

the sweet corn nuggets. drove home in my panties because im cool like that. we had a little unpacking party with brandon and brooke. ashleigh made pancakes (she wants to kill herself

fyi) so then we got dolled up to do nothing everything was shut down turned off and sucked ass. im tired and i have school tomorrow but i may have breakfast with my ladies. we took

some hot pictures maybe ill post ..maybe not
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