Thanksgiving Day, USA (27 NOV 2008) - Global kickoff for the CO-OP to host reps in at least 65 cities worldwide by 02 DEC!
CanDo! CO-OP presents:
Sing for Your Supper
Purple Thistle Potluck Theatre
And Bring Your Talent to the Table!
What's it all about? A working "coffeehouse" co-op, creative arts, health&fitness hot spot, and show venue, or as the
Mighty Matt Hern (author, Everywhere All the Time: A New Deschooling Reader) calls it, a "common place" for youth, families, and thinkers of all ages. We envision this as a community gathering spot with local flavor, and invite all free thinkers to add their talent to the mix! More information on the project can be found in the
Work With Me group on the iLearn in Freedom Network.