I guess that's the definition of I-RON-IE

Mar 29, 2009 18:09

If there's one thing I can appreciate in life, it's irony.


Basically, more or less, it's a petition from a church in Tennessee blasting Family Guy for a recent episode where Peter turns gay. It goes through and lists all the types of "sexual perversion" shown in the episode. I'd like to say these were all taken out of context, but they're not, which really only makes it that much funnier.

I also like the pre-written petition letter you can send in to the GM of the local Fox affiliate station in Memphis (by the way, aren't pre-written petition letters the best? It combines together the two best aspects of America - being angry at pointless bullshit and being too lazy to think up three paragraphs on your own to express it). My favourite part?

This show portrayed or made references to gay sex, gay orgies, bestiality, domestic abuse and violence, children learning how to engage in homosexual relationships, a father abandoning his wife and family for his gay lover, and children drinking horse sperm for milk. Most of all, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is portrayed as a hater of people.

We do not want our children to be exposed to such repulsive, sickening and degrading material.

So basically, Jesus doesn't hate people, but he thinks that gays are "repulsive, sickening and degrading"? Or is it just you that thinks that?

Perhaps the most ironic part is that I see this show as being far more offensive to gays themselves than the people who hate gays. Gays in this show are basically portrayed as being perverted, sexually-obsessed hedonists. I would certainly never say that it encourages homosexuality and, if anything, puts it in a negative light by mocking homosexuals and playing up on stereotypes. This whole thing would make more sense if it was a gay rights group making the complaint instead of a church!

I do love myself some irony. And there's nothing more ironic than hearing someone complain about a TV show that's mocking the very thing you're against and thereby inadvertently helping your cause.

Oh, and finally, one of the 13 "types of sexual perversion" listed:

12. Child PASSES GAS in sibling’s face.

I don't see how this qualifies as "sexual perversion", but I guess it's fair to say that the World Overcomers Outreach Ministries Church doesn't approve of dutch ovens.
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