There's an essay scholarship I'm entering this weekend. It involves ethics - business ethics, to be specific, I believe. They give you a scenario with an ethical delima and you have to come up with a solution to the problem. Anyways, since you all are generally so much smarter than I am, I figured I'd toss it out there and see if anyone has any thoughts on it. On a completely unrelated note, I've realized just how much I really like Jack Johnson. I mean, I've always thought he was pretty good, but after listening to his new album, Sleep Through the Static (which I found streaming for free on a website after randomly searching "free music" on Google in a moment of boredom), I've really come to realize how good he really is. It's like I told Smiley: Martin Luther King might be able to write amazing speeches, but can he set them to soft accoustic guitar melodies?
I think not.