Why is it on
buddhists that people who are struggling with some sort of difficulty often seem to gravitate to the most loopy, insane-o response they get?
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Original Poster (OP): I'm feeling depressed and looking for some way to find the willpower and drive to meditate and take care of myself.
Comment #1: You could exercise; that helps you build up more energy and helps clear out emotional and physical pain through the release of endorphins.
Comment #2: I've struggled with ADD myself and have a few techniques for helping me clear out distractions and reach a state of focus. Here's a few of them.
Comment #3: Well, if you go here, you can read about how to link up your blue vibration with your green vibration and how to do the 3, 2, 1 technique. You'll be flying at a turquoise altitude in no time.
OP: Wow, thank you, commenter #3! I'll look into that.
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OP: My boyfriend wants to have sex and I don't. I love him and don't want to lose him. What should I do?
Comment #1: Maybe you've lost your libido for a number of reasons. If you want to get your libido back, here's a number of things you can do.
Comment #2: You may be asexual, and this is enough of a difference that it would probably serve you best to have an open relationship or to look for a partnership with someone with the same sexuality as you.
Comment #3: Well, you could just lay there while he has sex with you. You don't have to expend any effort and he gets his rocks off. It's the least you could do for him.
OP: Wow, thanks, commenter #3! That's exactly the sort of advice I was looking for!
Commenter #3: Um, I was kidding. I actually think that would be horrible.
OP: ...