Celtic Buddhism Inspired by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Dec 26, 2006 19:59

Hey kids, look what I stumbled into today - can you get any more on-topic? :)

Celtic Buddhism Inspired by Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche
Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche was Venerable Seonaidh [John] Perks' root teacher. Seonaidh lived with him for seven years as his attendant, during which time they traveled extensively throughout the world. Out of this relationship of working and living together grew Celtic Buddhism.

Trungpa Rinpoche felt that a culture needed to deal with its own history, mythology and social structure in its relationship to Buddhism. He felt that these cultural aspects were difficult to ‘see' because of their transparency, and that through investigation one could come to understand his or her cultural biases and their illusory nature. In Seonaidh's travels with Trungpa, particularly in Ireland, they had many long discussions about the early nature-based Celtic religion and also the Celtic Christian Church. Before Rinpoche's death in 1987, he told Seonaidh that he should go out on his own and start a lineage.

The archetypal deities of ancient Europe still exist in many peoples' psyche or mind. Seonaidh believes that these energies are actually based on or emanate tremendous compassion which has become overlaid with habitual clingings and fixations. The stripping away of this neurotic sludge is the starting point of Celtic Buddhist practice. Therefore shamatha-vipashyana practice and tonglen serve as the foundation of Celtic Buddhism. Further practices at this time include Deity yoga and the cutting through practice of Chöd.

for more, see : http://www.celticbuddhism.org/background.htm
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