Feb 01, 2004 08:14
Didn't sleep last night, mostly because I found out yesterday that Brittany will be coming down for the weekend ::squeals::. But it's ok because I got alot of shit done, I was more productive in one night than I have been all week. Got my warzone of a room cleaned up so now eric can move in... although i think it might be best for him to move in after this weekend so that he doesn't get sexiled... alot...
I have alot of work to do today and I'm going to go and have dinner with Pat's grandparents, and i think they mentioned something about his brothers, though I'm not sure if his mom is going to be there. Yet i suppose it'd make sense if she was...
Anywho, we finished pat's sculpture today. It's now being bronzed and is to be displayed monday, when the memorial service is. I hope it turns out neato squeato.
Well, i'm going to go and smoke a cig, put all my dvds back in thier cases and start on my art history paper (ew).
Muriel Stonewall 1903 to 1954,
she lost both of her babies in the second great war
now you should never have to watch your only children lowered in the ground
I mean you should never have to bury your own babies
when you dig my grave
could you make it shallow
so that I can feel the rain