Sorry, quite a long moany post...

Jun 18, 2006 20:36

I have just had two weeks of hell. Even if some parts were fun, extremely good fun, it was still hell. Know what I mean?

The first week was the week after the Easter Break and we hand two days to re-organise the trip to Hastings (the beach) with the kids. I mean it is a great trip out for all involved and we don't pay for a thing. Black cabs take us down there in convoy, with balloons and flags streaming from the cars and horns blaring. But it takes SO much organising and it changes daily with who is going in what cab, who is going with which child and so on and so forth. It also doesn't help that I have to be at school at 6.30 am to load up the minibus, pick up a couple of kids and be at the pick up point by 8 am. I then don't get home till nearly 9 pm, It's a long old day.

The following day the kids are all shattered and have no energy for school work and the staff are just as bad!

That saturday for reasons I don't quite understand I have the THE FAMILY round for a meal. There are ten of us in total and because I don't want to wake up to the mess I am still washing up at 2.30 am. I so want a dishwasher.

Sunday we go to the zoo for a friend's 40th birthday treat as we all clubbed together and made her zoo keeper for the day. It just happened to be the hottest day of the year so far. I do not do well in heat but at least I remembered the sun block. Burn time was ten minutes.

Then last Wednesday I get a call from my sister asking me if I could pick her up from the train station as she had had a fall on her way home from work. When I saw her I told her I was taking her to the hospital. We were there for hours! Finally they tell us she has broken part of her wrist bone. I keep telling her to claim from the bus company that caused it but I think she would just rather forget the whole thing.

Thursday was super fun. We were visited by a child that is supposed to be coming into my class next year. Let's just say it did not go well and that there are huge risks with this child coming into my class both to them and the children that are already in my class. And yet no-one is listening to me. Figures.

Thursday and Friday were also the days of projectile vomit. Joy. One child for two days did this: Gag, vomit, two staff to help change and clean up, gag, vomit, two staff to help change and clean up. I think you get the picture. Is any of the "professionals" giving a shit? Are the family? Like hell.

Running all through this is the fact that there is someone "QUOTING" me in a very important matter, for something I have not said. They have not even approached me for a comment on the matter and it is on record...(record for fucks sake) that I have said this. It is all a pile of shit to get another teacher to leave. I happen to think that she is a bloody good teacher and have learnt a lot from her. She also happens to be a friend. So when I was quoted as saying shit about her to the Head no less, it really pissed us both off.

So I think I can't wait till the summer holidays. I'm mentally and physically drained. And yet.... This class and staff team have been so great this year that I don't want the year to end as they are splitting us up as some of the kids move up through the school.

Anyway. I guess I have got that lot off my chest. if you got this far, thanks for listening. Here's to next week being much much better.

Have a good week everyone!

Love BW
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