The Lexington Odyssey and other ramblings.

May 15, 2006 19:31

So, Nicci and Joseph are out of town this week, which usually wouldn't be much of a problem, except that I'm in college and my class is a 30 minute drive away and I don't have a car. So this week I have to embark on a journey of epic proportions, involving walking, public busses, and unicylces in order to get to class. So today my professor kept us in class later than normal. I was afraid that I would miss my bus, so I had to run to the bus stop. About 100 yards before I reached the bus stop a monsoon-sized wind blew my papers out of my hands and into the street. Almost instantaneously the bus that I was supposed to be on ran past the bus stop and over my papers, shredding them to tiny bits. I just kind of stood there, stunned at the irony, while the voice in the back of my head told me, "Now get ready, Jay, cause this is where a hobo walks up and kicks you in the jimmy." No hobo came, though. Actually, in an odd, masochistic sort of way, I kind of wish one had.

In other news, the University of Kentucky Library is fucking massive. I don't think you guys are taking the trip with me here, so let me try to explain by providing the librarian's directions to find a copy of "The Odyssey". Ahem:
"Go down into the basement, take the elevator to sub-terranean level four. take a left, a right, a right, a right, a left, down the stairs, shimmy through the tunnel, and climb down the well. Defeat Samara in mortal combat and she will drop the ricochet stone. Travel into Deadwind Pass and use the ricochet stone to defeat Archimonde. He will load the blue key. Then go back to sub-terranean level four and activate the portal by drop-kicking Angela Lansbury. Unlock the portal with the blue key and enter. There you fill see an eerie green mist. This mist is Homer himself. He'll explain the rest. Do not anger him, or he will transform into his final stage, open one of his twelve mouths and sing the song that undoes existence. Have a nice day!"

The school FINALLY completed my financial aid report today. Apparently, I'm getting $1900 more than I needed, and I don't have to pay a dime of it back because most of it is being earned through the Federal Work Study program. How swell :-D
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